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AerialGo: Walking-through City View Generation from Aerial Perspectives
Fuqiang Zhao*, Yijing Guo*, Siyuan Yang*, Xi Chen, Luo Wang, Lan Xu, Yingliang Zhang, Yujiao Shi, Jingyi Yu
Arxiv Preprint, 2024
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage]
![Popup Image](files/Paper/letsgo.jpg)
LetsGo: Large-Scale Garage Modeling and Rendering via LiDAR-Assisted Gaussian Primitives
Jiadi Cui*, Junming Cao*, Fuqiang Zhao*, Zhipeng He, Yifan Chen, Yuhui Zhong, Lan Xu, Yujiao Shi, Yingliang Zhang, Jingyi Yu
(SIGGRAPH Aisa 2024) ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proce. of ACM SIGGRAPH Aisa 2024)
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage] [Video] [Code] [Real-Time Viewer] [Web Viewer]
![Popup Image](files/Paper/nephele.png)
NEPHELE: A Neural Platform for Highly Realistic Cloud Radiance Rendering
Haimin Luo, Siyuan Zhang, Fuqiang Zhao, Haotian Jing, Penghao Wang, Zhenxiao Yu, Dongxue Yan, Junran Ding, Boyuan Zhang, Qiang Hu, Shu Yin, Lan Xu, JIngyi Yu
Arxiv Preprint, 2023
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage]
![Popup Image](files/Paper/HPRAM.jpg)
Human Performance Modeling and Rendering via Neural Animated Mesh
Fuqiang Zhao, Yuheng Jiang, Kaixin Yao, Jiakai Zhang, Liao Wang, Haizhao Dai, Yuhui Zhong, Yingliang Zhang, Minye Wu, Lan Xu, Jingyi Yu
(SIGGRAPH Aisa 2022) ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proce. of ACM SIGGRAPH Aisa 2022)
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage] [Code1] [Code2]
![Popup Image](files/Paper/neuvv.png)
NeuVV: Neural Volumetric Videos with Immersive Rendering and Editing
Jiakai Zhang, Liao Wang, Xinhang Liu, Fuqiang Zhao, Minzhang Li, Haizhao Dai, Boyuan Zhang, Wei Yang, Lan Xu, Jingyi Yu
Arxiv Preprint, 2022
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage]
![Popup Image](files/Paper/fpo.png)
Fourier PlenOctrees for Dynamic Radiance Field Rendering in Real-time
Liao Wang*, Jiakai Zhang*, Xinhang Liu, Fuqiang Zhao, Yanshun Zhang, Yingliang Zhang, Minye Wu Lan Xu, Jingyi Yu
(CVPR 2022 Oral) Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage] [Code]
![Popup Image](files/Paper/humannerf.png)
HumanNeRF: Efficiently Generated Human Radiance Field from Sparse Inputs
Fuqiang Zhao, Wei Yang, Jiakai Zhang, Pei Lin, Yingliang Zhang, Jingyi Yu, Lan Xu
(CVPR 2022) Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage] [Code]
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MVSNeRF: Fast Generalizable Radiance Field Reconstruction from Multi-View Stereo
Anpei Chen, Zexiang Xu, Fuqiang Zhao, Xiaoshuai Zhang, Fanbo Xiang, Jingyi Yu, Hao Su
( ICCV 2021) International Conference on Computer Vision
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage] [Code]
![Popup Image](files/Paper/editable.png)
Editable Free-Viewpoint Video using a Layered Neural Representation
Jiakai Zhang, Xinhang Liu, Xinyi Ye, Fuqiang Zhao, Yanshun Zhang, Minye Wu, Yingliang Zhang, Lan Xu and Jingyi Yu
(SIGGRAPH 2021) ACM Transactions on Graphics(Proce. of ACM SIGGRAPH 2021)
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage] [Code] [Two Minute Papers] [Interview with German National Audio]
![Popup Image](files/Paper/mirrornerf.png)
MirrorNeRF: One-shot Neural Portrait Radiance Field from Multi-mirror Catadioptric Imaging
Ziyu Wang, Liao Wang, Fuqiang Zhao, Minye Wu, Lan Xu, Jingyi Yu
( ICCP 2021) International Conference on Computational Photography
[ProjectPage] [ArxivPage]
NeuDim Digital Technology Inc. - 上海赜深数字科技有限公司
July. 2022 - Present
NeuDim aims to substitute classical photogrammetry-based 3D/4D reconstruction with emerging neural approaches. It was incubated from the Visual Data Intelligence (VDI) Center at ShanghaiTech, by a group of fearless PhD students with various expertise on neural modeling, rendering, and tracking.
DGene Digital Technology Inc. - 上海叠境数字科技有限公司
Jan. 2022 - Sep. 2022
R&D Intern
I work as a part-time research and development intern at DGene Digital Technology Inc.
ShanghaiTech University - 上海科技大学
Sep. 2020 - Present
Ph.D Candidate
I now am a Ph.D candidate on computer vision research, advised by Prof. Jingyi Yu and developed a light-weight framework for rendering 3D dynamic humans from a six RGB cameras.
China University of Petroleum - 中国石油大学(华东)
Sep. 2016 - Jul. 2020
I obtained my B.E. in software engineering at China University of Petroleum and won honorable awards including:
Prof. Jingyi Yu - Supervisor
Programming Languages
- C++, CUDA and so on.
- Python (Pytorch and so on.)
- WebGL, javascript and so on.
- Latex, Markdown